This Is How You Own Your Power In Business: Queens Don't Back Down Adjust Your Crown Part 1


There has been an epidemic of women underestimating themselves but there is an awakening. Do you sense it? Do you feel it? The FOG over her life is lifting. She is waking up to her strength. She is discovering the power of who she already is. She is finally understanding that she is EVERYTHING that she has been waiting for. She knows that she doesn’t have to wait to be rescued. She IS the rescue.

The answers that she has been searching for are already within her. She already knows how to be great.

The awakening is here.

She has woken up out of her long sleep. She is no longer in the matrix.

Today marks a new era in her life. She is breaking out of that old shrinking pattern and is now ready to live authentically, boldly, unapologetically and freely. She takes center stage and allows her brilliance to shine through.

This time, she steps fully into her true self. No more will she live below her full potential. No longer will she settle for hiding her genius. The time has come for her and all women with a purpose to unearth her power, to own it and to unleash it. Why? Because she has work to do. Her family, her community, and her nation can no longer flourish with her shrinking from her greatness. She is the Queen Boss of her life, and Queens never back down in the face of opposition or obstacles. Instead when the wind of turbulence causes her crown to slip, she exerts her inherent power to adjust that crown back into its rightful place. Queens will not back down, but adjust their crowns.

Over the next few blogs I will share some transforming strategies on how to keep adjusting your crown and expanding the kingdom over which you reign. We will rise together. We will adjust our crowns together.

However, before I share these tips with you, I invite you to into this conversation. I honor your calling, your brilliance and your genius. I want to invite you to honor that in yourself too. Since you already know how to be great, you don’t have to keep gathering information from outside of yourself, I want you to dive deep within and pull that answer outside the core of your being.

I want you to share with me one way that you can Own Your Power, Believe In Your Greatness & Unleash Your Inner Strength.

As you share your thoughts you honor your own resourcefulness. You don’t need another expert telling you what to do, because you all you need is already within you now. So share your thoughts here and over the next week I will share my thoughts as well. It’s a collaboration, and we learn from each other.

I see you, I believe in you - you are not meant to shrink down lower so rise up and own your power!

Until next week,

  • Kisha

PS Check out this inspirational song to settle you into that power and my live webinar for a community of women learning together how to unleash their greatness in business.

Kisha Wynter