Bridgerton: 3 Mind Blowing Career Lessons from Shonda Rhimes, Netflix, and Rege Jean Page

Everyone loves a success story, partly because it is inspirational and partly because it is a glimpse into what is possible if we step into our own personal glory.

Growing up I loved Michael Jordan, not because I was committed to the game of basketball but because the rules of what was possible didn’t seem to apply to him. My heart leaped with every shot he made, it was another glimpse into glory.

Over the years, I have found my heart leaping when other humans seem to transcend the limits of what we think is possible and step into their glory, from Serena Williams, to Tom Brady, to Barack Obama in 2008.

That familiar heart leap returned this past December when I watched the series Bridgerton. Yeah, I know the focus has been a lot on those steamy scenes (whew 😅) but what I am talking about is that magic that is created when you combine vision, creativity, hardwork and ruthless execution.

I think the heart leaps at this excellence because we see what’s possible when we fully step into our gifts, commit to doing the hard work to cultivate those gifts daily, and to keep going at it until the magic happens.

Our human spirit lives for this magic.

This magic is what keeps us glued to the TV screens every four years for two weeks as we bask in the backstory of the competitors, the world stage they get to stand on despite obstacles they had to overcome and the glory they step into during the Olympics.

A life worth living is always tied to a purpose bigger than ourselves. I can talk about all the money that is earned as an executive or someone ascending the corporate ladder, and there is no shame in that, yet when all the bills are paid and the needs are taken care of - our spirit wants more. We want to contribute to something bigger than ourselves. To make an impact. To leave a legacy.

As you think about the trajectory of your business and career and the contribution you get to make, does your heart leap? If you want to step into the excellence of your full potential that will not only make your heart leap but will do the same for those impacted by your work - there are 3 career lessons that I think we can all apply from Shonda Rhimes series, on Netflix - Bridgerton.

Lesson 1:

Go Where You Are Celebrated Not Tolerated

If you have been following Shonda Rhimes career journey, you will know that a few years ago, she terminated her contract with ABC/Disney. She did this, because of a disagreement with the said company.

Despite the fact that Shonda Rhimes, has a proven track record from her years of work as evidenced by Grey’s Anatomy, How To Get Away With Murder, Private Practice, etc., she felt as if she wasn't being treated the way she wanted by the company, (details in the Youtube video) and so she left. Regardless of the details surrounding her decision to leave, what I appreciate is that she decided that what this company was dishing out to her, was below her expectations and so she opted out. I love this because, the beautiful thing about life, is that we are always at choice. When a company chooses to undervalue your talent you can choose to opt out. I see so many women in particular who don’t know their worth stay in an organization that by their actions show that they are not appreciated. It’s funny because these same women would never tolerate this toxicity in their romantic relationships, or friendships, yet tolerate it from an organization. I only have two words for you if you are doing this. STOP. IT!!


Lesson 2:


 In other words, be excellent just like all the athletes I named in the introduction to this article. This requires consistently working on your craft. Shonda Rhimes would not have had the option to move on from ABC if she didn’t work on her craft and is simply the best in her field. In her unknown days, she was working, that is - writing, every single day. She put in the work. Over night success is not real. She put in the time, did the work, honed her craft and created options for herself. She had her skills, her brilliance, and her track record to fall back on.


Point Three

No One Is You, That’s Your Super-Power

 One of the many reasons, the back story and the final production of Bridgerton is an endless stream of inspiration for me is the irony that in a society where being a BLACK person is seen as less than, this very thing is what made its lead actor, Rege Jean Page and the diversity of the cast members truly stand out. The thing that would have excluded him from period dramas is the very thing (and his undeniable talent for acting) that made him blow up.

The back story of the world in 2020 when this series was released, from the pandemic to everyone being stuck at home and the increased time people spent watching streaming services like Netflix, to the racial tensions that woke up the world to injustices against black people. This back story is not an insignificant contribution to the phenomenon of Bridgerton. People are now much more open and hungry to see a change. If this story was told the same way it was in the past with a lack of diverse cast, it would have done ok, but it would not have been the tremendous phenomenon it is now. Seeing the traditional non diverse male lead would have made it normal, but the NOVELTY, the newness of this portrayal made it intriguing, fascinating, and deliciously addicting.

 Here is the the message for you and your career. In the right context, the thing that makes you different that used to exclude you, is VERY the thing that is your competitive advantage, it is your super POWER. I don’t care if it is the way you talk, your nationality, your going to a non Ivy League school, your socio-economic status, your introverted personality, your non traditional training, your gender, your race, your nationality or where you grew up. IT DOES NOT MATTER. What is important to remember is that difference is fascinating. Sameness is boring. Don’t hide your difference, your uniqueness. Own it. Play it up. Bring your full self to work, because the liberating news is this. Your difference is NOT a liability, it is your secret S.A.U.C.E. and your biggest asset to win at work. 

You don't need a secret sauce to succeed.


You are the S.A.U.C.E.

Remember this …

You already know how to be great.

I invite you to discover that SAUCE you already have so that you can win like Shonda & Rege.

Only your way will work for you.

You are the S-HERO that you have been waiting for.

Click on this link to find out more, and let's chat.

Kisha Wynter